Understanding out conservation scheme
Good conservation management is about understanding the locally important wildlife.
There are flint mines, on Sullington Manor Farm, within the ancient uncultivated pasture which are a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and rare juniper bushes. We are currently in discussion with PlantLife regarding projects to further conserve our rare juniper bushes.
We are in a conservation scheme, High Level Stewardship, where we only trim hedges once every three years to enhance wildlife habitats and native flora. Hedgerows facilitate wildlife corridors.
Good conservation management is about understanding the locally important wildlife, choosing the right measures and managing them in the right way. We use minimum tillage to help improve soil structure and incorporate conservation headlands to provide feed for over wintering birds and habitat for other wildlife. We have over wintered stubble, unharvested headlands and minimum hedge trimming to feed and support wildlife.
Respecting the wildlife
All grassland, including our grass pasture, builds and stores carbon as well as creating wildlife habitats and provides the space, open views and natural landscape that help people improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Easy access to public footpaths and bridleways on the farm can lead to emotional and physical improvements such as a reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and stress and increases positive and pleasant feelings.
We are delighted that so many walkers, riders and cyclists enjoy the naturalistic environment of our farm but please stick to public footpaths and public bridleways; do not be tempted away from paths as it is best to keep areas quiet for livestock, wildlife and for soil management. Please do not let your dog run through the scrub. You will see areas of scrub which may look unkempt and uncared for but these are areas where nature dominates and shouldn’t be disturbed.